Happy and Blessed New Year
I love this time of year. Not just because of Christmas holidays and the reason for the season but because it closes out the year leaving those things behind that don’t need to be brought into a new year that offers hope and light! This can mean anything from bad habits to people, jobs, even old clothes. Not that the past year has been that bad. Sure there is COVID, and the many challenges it represents: the changes in lifestyle, the hard to get and afford items, and the companies you try to hire who are behind due to staff and supply shortages.
But its more personal for me. Because of my faith and my eternal optimism, the new year brings promise, of dreams being fulfilled, and of making time for what is important. I think every year that we experience helps us to better define what is really important to us. Don't you?
The end of each year is a blur. There is shopping, decorations and social events. But for me - it is also a culmination of projects I have picked up throughout the year. So I guess you would say it is a new start. The point I really want to get across is that it is an opportunity for each of us. Opportunity to let go of things that hold us back; things or people who do not lift us up; habits that do not help us to get where we want to go. What do you need to leave behind and not take into this new year? Share with me at patella.cap@gmail.com