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Writer's pictureCheryl Patella


Waking up with morning stiffness is a common experience.

It’s normal to feel a little achy in the mornings.  You feel stiff, moving is slow…it is not like when we were 20 is it?

What can you do?  Stretch for 2 to 3 minutes before you get out of bed.  It will make a HUGE difference.  This is your body telling you a few things.  One - you may not be moving as much as you used to and need to.  Your body is made to MOVE.  Not moving stiffens the joints, less lubrication flows to the joints and it becomes more difficult to move freely and do what you ask them to do.  Your muscles get weak from lack of movement and it is challenging to do the things we need to do in life.  Muscles are made to be used and everyone needs muscle to be healthy.

Do these stretches in the morning before getting out of bed and it will make a HUGE difference.

Hug your knees to your chest and breathe - relaxing into the stretch. This will bring blood flow to the spine and release stiffness. Allow your head and shoulders to remain relaxed.

Single knee to the chest stretch. Allow the other leg to lengthen away from your body and breathe. Be sure to do both legs.

While laying on your stomach bring the foot up behind you using the same hand. You should feel a gentle stretch on the front of your thigh. Do what you are able to do. The more you do this stretch the higher you will be able to raise the foot behind you.

Lastly bring your arms above your head comfortably and stretch to first one side and then the other to release your shoulders, rib cage and upper back.

You are all set to go. When you step out of bed you will feel 100% better and ready to start your day feeling so much more capable! The more often you do these stretches the more flexible you will become. You will also realize it becomes easier to move both in the morning and throughout the day. At first your range of motion may be limited. Be patient with your body. It took a bit of time to get where it's at now and it will take a little time to open it back up.

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